Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

Save for your retirement!

Achieve more with flexible, informed and verified SMSF strategies designed to help you build a better future.

We’re Create and Protect we’re SMSF Specialists TM

SMSF Specialists; that’s what makes us different. We provide you with expert advice on your SMSF. You can only trust your SMSF with a SMSF specialist. We go above and beyond to learn the rules that help you achieve the most out of your SMSF.

Can you trust someone who is not a specialist to operate on your kidney? You can also only trust a SMSF Specialist to work on your SMSF.

We also collaborate with our partners to make sure you get the most out of your SMSF. We can help manage your SMSF to ensure that your needs are met from establishing an SMSF, undergoing an SMSF audit, lodging financial statements, to preparing tax returns or managing pension administration. We make SMSF instruments that give you and your families more flexibility and control over your funds in the future.

Curious to know more?

Get familiar with our SMSF services by discovering additional information from our FAQ’s.


What is the difference between SMSF and other funds?

The difference between an SMSF and other types of funds is that the members of an SMSF are usually also the trustees. This means the members of the SMSF run it for their benefit and are responsible for complying with the super and tax laws.


What are the benefits of SMSF?

An SMSF must be run for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits. Don’t set up an SMSF to try to get early access to your super, or to buy a holiday home or artworks to decorate your house. These things are illegal.


Can SMSFs invest in crypto?

While SMSFs are not prohibited from investing in crypto currencies, the investment must be allowed under the fund’s trust deed. In accordance with the fund’s investment strategy, SMSF should comply with SISA and SISR regulatory requirements concerning investment restrictions.

Ready to kick start your financial quest?

If you’re interested in learning more about Create & Protect Financial Planning services or simply want to chat with a member of the team, get in touch with us.